scraping information of today's covid19 and seperate continent, country and total data
data <- get_data("country")
#> Country TotalCases NewCases TotalDeaths NewDeaths TotalRecovered
#> 8 World 703850963 806 7003395 0 674650207
#> 9 USA 111537522 NA 1216301 NA 109284739
#> 10 India 45029852 NA 533491 NA NA
#> 11 France 40138560 NA 167642 NA 39970918
#> 12 Germany 38821636 NA 182601 NA 38240600
#> 13 Brazil 38452504 NA 709963 NA 36249161
#> NewRecovered ActiveCases Critical TotalCasesPer1M TotalDeathsPer1M
#> 8 6362 22197361 35484 90298 898.5
#> 9 NA 1036482 1554 333141 3633.0
#> 10 NA NA NA 32013 379.0
#> 11 NA 0 NA 612013 2556.0
#> 12 NA 398435 NA 462804 2177.0
#> 13 NA 1493380 NA 178555 3297.0
#> TotalTests TotalTestsPer1M Population
#> 8 NA NA NA
#> 9 1186765074 3544643 334805269
#> 10 935879495 665334 1406631776
#> 11 271490188 4139547 65584518
#> 12 122332384 1458359 83883596
#> 13 63776166 296146 215353593